"La vida, como el agua, nunca olvida su camino" proposes an exercise of re-imagination, a both sensory and emotive voyage towards what once was the space that we inhabit. How do we reinvent a past which we did not experience? How do we illuminate the face of the shadows? What murmurs and laughs once filled these streets? What stories looked through the windows opened at dawn? These questions are the starting point for an exploration that looks to embody and give voice to the ephemeral, to the lost, and the forgotten.
Giana De Dier, in an act of visual and emotional archaeology, continues her practice of intervening with archival images to construct a new imaginary that intertwines what could have been with what perhaps was. Her work, a weave of nostalgia and romanticism, invites us to inhabit the memory of those who walked these streets, laughed in these plazas, and dreamed under the same sky that now shelters us. It is an evocation, not meant to be precise, but instead profound—an emotional resonance rather than a factual reconstruction.